2024, Vol. 5, Issue 1, Part A
Multi-timing perturbation and asymptotic analysis of the dynamic buckling of an elastic cubic model structure modulated by a dynamically slowly-varying oscillatory load
Author(s): Udo-Akpan Itoro Ubom
Abstract: This investigation examines the dynamic buckling of an imperfect cubic model elastic structure trapped by a time-dependent but slowly varying oscillatory load applied just after the initial time. Besides its oscillatory nature, the amplitude of the load is assumed to be also strictly slowly varying dynamically and has right hand derivatives of all orders evaluated at the initial time. A multi-timing perturbation approach is adopted in asymptotic expansions of the variables. All results are thus asymptotic in nature. In the final analysis, a simple result for determining the dynamic buckling is obtained.
Pages: 64-76 | Views: 363 | Downloads: 138
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How to cite this article:
Udo-Akpan Itoro Ubom. Multi-timing perturbation and asymptotic analysis of the dynamic buckling of an elastic cubic model structure modulated by a dynamically slowly-varying oscillatory load. Journal of Mathematical Problems, Equations and Statistics. 2024; 5(1): 64-76.