2020, Vol. 1, Issue 1, Part A
An introduction to signal compression by using ‘Haar Wavelets’
Author(s): Dr. Pratibha Shukla and Pratosh Kumar Awasthi
Abstract: In present era Robotics, Computer Vision, Machine learning and Data Science are some key areas, who have major contribution in Advance Technology Optimization Theory and Classical Linear Algebra are main tools for understanding and application in above areas, Haar Wavelets. Haar basis, Hadamard matrices are fundamental and important tools/ topics which are required for application in Computer science, Graphics, Signal processing, Image processing and Error Correcting Codes.
Pages: 64-66 | Views: 519 | Downloads: 177
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How to cite this article:
Dr. Pratibha Shukla and Pratosh Kumar Awasthi. An introduction to signal compression by using ‘Haar Wavelets’. Journal of Mathematical Problems, Equations and Statistics. 2020; 1(1): 64-66.